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Scrolling battles pro

title:Scrolling battles pro
download page:link
genre:Side Scroller
developer:mohamed sulaiman
release:February 2019
last edit by:Dark


Being a collaborative project between several developers including Masen Armstrong, Darkflyer, cmerry and most recently mohamed sulaiman, Scrolling battles pro takes the scrolling battles gameplay in quite another direction.

Where Scrolling battles, your world focuses on exploration, creation and platforming challenges, Scrolling battles pro is very much focused on the other side of side scrollers, that of murder, mayhem and madness.

In the game,you are placed onto an online multiplayer map with various other players spawning around it. The principle here is simple, just track down your foes and slay them in as short a way as possible using the various tools of destruction you find. Each player starts off with the same equipment and can use their fists, a long range laser, a short range hand gun, a machine gun or grenade launcher to aide in their slaughtering.

Power ups appear at locations around the map , including ammo for the various guns, mines, time bombs, a glider for fast transport, and even an extension to increase your audio range, however be careful with throwing off too many wild shots, as these items can be destroyed if your not careful.

Thus far, one map is available, a city scape with a waterfall in the centre and bridge across the top, but its likely other maps will be coming soon.

The game is free, however a donation to mohamed of 5 usd will help further development, and reward the donator with 500 mines and timebombs and several other handy upgrades.

With titles to earn, statistics tracked as as well as a lively community of prospective pugilists waiting to battle you, this is definitely a treat for action addicts everywhere.


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